Friday, April 15, 2011

Fishing - Kingfisher Bird

I'm back... kind of, sort of and hoping to catch up on what's been going on.
After being hit with a cold/flu that never wanted to go away and finally getting ill enough to drop milk from my diet, I thought I might give up blogging but I really miss all of you and kept wondering how everyone was doing.

I haven't had much time for art and certainly haven't had much nature in my life other than the sparrows, doves and quail that wake me up each morning to remind me to feed them.  It's been a cold, unpredictable spring here and not appealing enough to draw me outside when I'm not feeling well but I am optimistic that I will get a chance to enjoy some nature soon and I'm looking forward to visiting all your wonderful blogs.

Enough rambling, here's an painting I did with my son-in-law in mind.  He's an avid fisherman who also loves birds  .   In September, he and my daughter moved to the "Fishing Capitol" and they looked forward to many days of great fishing as they usually catch a lot.   Unfortunately, in the time they've been there, they've caught only one small fish and so in honor of this, the Kingfisher came to mind.