Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Valentine's Day is Coming

Featured Cards for Valentine's Day See the ad on the right side for a link to all my cards
This wonderful goat was a childhoot friend as I wrote about in a previous post. This card either says from the Old Goat who loves you or to the Old Goat so either way.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Winter Snow

Christmas has come and gone and we're starting a New Year which always makes people wonder what it will bring. After last year with fires, floods, pandemics we're starting this year with more snow and cold than I've seen in a long time. These are photos by a local photographer from a creek (Power's Creek) in Glen Canyon Park in West Kelowna which usually doesn't freeze in the winter here.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Animal Protectors Angels or not

 Many humans believe that there are good and evil spirits to contend with.  Most believe that the majority of animals are good and even that most animals are better than most humans.  Thousands of stories are available to tell us how dogs, cats, horses, and other animals came to a human's rescue.  The bible itself tells us how God sent ravens to feed Elijah in his time of need.

Many also believe that each animal has characteristics that we can learn from and it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to think that God would send us examples so we could see and feel what love feels like and then hopefully imitate it since He teaches us that love is the most important thing we can do. For instance, the wolf is known to have incredible loyalty to its family or pack, ants and beavers are hardworking.  These things can teach us what is good.  The animal totem or spirit animal idea is based on that.  If you see lots of Magpies maybe it's time to try and socialize like they do.  This doesn't go against any religion it should show you a loving God that is trying to help you by sending you examples of things you may want to consider.

Sometimes animals are simply a comfort to those who need love and companionship and what greater privilege than to love and comfort someone who needs it. 

I have found in my lifetime (and I've been around a while) that God has used animals to help me many times.

When I was a young girl living in the country I had a Border Collie named Shep that was my best friend.  We did almost everything together.  Then one day when he was outside and I was in the house alone I decided it was a beautiful summer day to go for a walk.  I pushed and pushed on the door but Shep wouldn't budge.  He sat so firmly against it until I got frustrated and went around to a window to see if something else was stopping the door from opening.  In the berry bushes, just a few feet away was a big black bear.  Shep never barked or made a noise he just sat firmly against the door so I couldn't go out.   When the bear moved on so did the dog and the door opened freely.   

That was my first encounter with an animal protector.  I was thankful for the dog but also thankful for the one who made the dog and gave him the ability to do that just like He sent the ravens to feed Elijah.


Monday, December 6, 2021

Interesting Magpie Behaviour


Since moving to our present property we've been neighbors with several generations of Magpies.  Each year a couple would successfully raise about 5 young ones.  As soon as they were old enough to fly they come to our yard where I keep running water and dry cat food to help them out.  Once they are old enough the whole family disappears for days only stopping by occasionally.

This photo is a young one and I'm not sure if it's guarding the food against others or catching the sun to dry off after playing in the sprinkler.  Interesting behavior I'd never seen before.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Ravens The Problem with Image

I grew up in the north about 600 miles south of the treeline. It was inhabited by many ravens. We didn't see them too often in the summer but as the cold weather arrived, they were more willing to come near people.

The colder the weather, the more of them you saw. Usually they sat on wires above your head all fluffed up and chilly looking.

Occasionally, the cold would break and for a week or so warm weather would come. Just like children let out at recess, these huge birds would react by flying loops, diving and generally acting silly and calling to each other. Research says they are one of the most intelligent and the most playful of birds and to see them in action put a smile on your face. They have been observed playing tag with dogs and wolves and even making toys from sticks etc. I've seen videos of them undoing zippers on backpacks, garbage bags and opening containers.

In the spring, they perform the most beautiful aerial courtship dances. I spent many hours watching in fascination. It was even possible to see them fly upside down in their efforts to impress. I don't know if it got them a mate but it sure impressed me.

Unfortunately, they have a bad image but maybe that's been their salvation because with their intelligence if they were beautiful seed eaters they would have been captured then sold as pets.

So I draw them because I love them and have fond memories

and then of course Halloween is coming and there's always Edgar Allen Poe

Halloween, Edgar Allen Poe, Raven, Nevermore speckcase