Friday, December 9, 2011

The Owls have it again

I'm still recovering from some sort of flu with sinus problems so I haven't been around too much.  I've noticed that other people are having a hard time getting rid of this illness too.
The one good thing about needing to rest is that I just read the most wonderful book about a woman (biologist) who raises a rescued Barn Owl. If you love birds or nature or need a gift for someone who does, this is a great read. I hope I did the link right  Wesley the Owl

Owls have really become popular perhaps it's due to Harry Potter. Fortunately, they are one of my favorites too as their faces seem to display so much emotion.


  1. I love owls. All of yours are beautiful but the one on the ornament is my favorite. It's so cute.

  2. your owls are beautiful! the first one - you managed to make it look intent but without the creepiness that sometimes comes with that type of owl! :) (sorry, having flashbacks to the movie The Fourth Kind!) :)

  3. p.s. meant to say, hope you get better soon!!!

  4. I've never much liked owls - but you've changed my mind, Carole! I particularly like the little owl ornament - it's great!

  5. Beautiful little fellows, the owls. We had two that nested in an old squirrel box Abe had put up on in a tree in the backyard. It really gave a squirrel a start one day when he/she went up to check it out and found two owls resting inside. I know he has a photo someplace, but for me to find it would be next to impossible, he doesn't keep photos on his computer organized. I tried to help him once, but it got very confusing to me, so I stopped. LOL Hope you're feeling better by now, you don't want to be sick for Christmas. Abe said the photo is on Flickr. Here is the link, hope it works.

  6. Outstanding Owls!!!

    Merry Christmas Carole!!!

  7. Owl faces have always intrigued me. They are so different from any other bird.

  8. Thank you all for your comments
    Patty - the flicker photo page doesn't work unfortunately.
    Ratty - yes they sure are and thanks for reminding me to answer comments :O)

  9. Your art work is just beautiful!


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